My upcoming book is arriving early and now shows on Amazon.com as being in stock on 12/28/09, WOW!
The inside cover, concept pages, table of contents, index pages AND back cover are now available to view on Amazon as well. Yay!!!! :)
I just had to share that with you here!! It is difficult to express my level of excitement!! At times surreal and other times over the top disbelief!
I am so thankful to the publishing company, F&W Media/North Light Books, and all the wonderful staff that I have worked with over the last two years to make this happen.
It has been an amazing experience, completely positive!! There has been nothing about this that has even remotely teetered on negative, isn't that unbelievable?
Thanks so much to all of you for sharing this ride with me!! I hope you will email me any time with questions/comments, etc. I feel like I have exponentially expanded my circle of friends and am thrilled! I would never have predicted this in a million years!
I hope you are all having a great week!! Take care!!
What a great Christmas gift for you! I have your book added to my wishlist :)
That's awesome. I am waiting to buy my copy. You deserve the best, and what a great present!!! I know how you feel because I can hardly wait for my how to article coming out in March 2010 of Belle Armoire Jewelry. I am sure you will be jumping up and down when you see what you have accomplished and with you name written right on the front. Congrats!!!
What a pretty book! I hope my store stocks it... (I work at Borders).
I'm happy for you! I need to get that book for my collection for inspiration and ideas!
Congratulations, what a huge achievement! I have put your book on my amazon wishlist and hope to get it very soon :o)
i can't wait!!!!
That's brilliant! You deserve it and no, I can't believe it was all positive lol! Good for you!
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