I just LOVE these shrinky dink earrings that a friend made for me last year using her die-cutting tool and shrink plastic! How cool!
Sunday is a time for gearing up for the week and the best way I know is to peek in on what our friendly bead bloggers below have been up to!
I hope you will join me!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK! :)
Beads & Books Michelle reviews a "top 20" list of craft tools from Martha Stewart and compares it to what's in her own studio.
Carmi's Art/Life World Carmi creates a very soft and warm felted bead necklace.
Cindy Gimbrone, The Lampwork Diva Cindy has chosen one single word to keep her creative juices flowing. What do you think it is?
About.com Jewelry Making Sign up for this fun e-course themed around "love." Perfect for the up-coming Valentine's Day holiday.
The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton Can you feel it? Andrew is on the verge of many big projects with limitless possibilities ahead!
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done! Jean reviews Tammy Powley's amazing new book, The Complete Guide to Jewelry Making--what a thorough and terrific teaching guide and inspirational powerhouse for designers!
Art Bead Scene Believe it or not, sometimes an Art Bead Scene editor just can't come up with the right words.
Beading Arts Cyndi put the finishing touches on her beaded postcards!
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles Bang, bang, bang! Melanie makes another Response Saturday post featuring the loud sound of texturing hammers on metal.
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