Have you ever found yourself carried away after googling one subject and before you know it you are 5 or more clicks into a variety of other topics that sounded interesting?
Well, that's what just happened to me and the truth is, I consider it a bit of a guilty pleasure!
I just came across a site that listed colors and a variety of meanings associated with them. This was one of my favorites...

PURPLE: power, royalty, nobility, elegance, sophistication, artificial, luxury, mystery, royalty, elegance, magic
Those wonderful words made me want to pull all my purple beads and also made me wish I had some VELVETY purple beads! I don't, but hey, dare to dream!!

Here are a few I do have...and, CLEARLY I do not have enough purple beads...I think I can remedy that in the very near future!
i noticed in my inventory, i have several purple beads - i must be drawn to the color, even tho i still say blue is my favorite color :)
Hi Tish! Me too, I have LOTS of blue and I mean every shade of blue! Here are the words associated with Blue: peace, professionalism, loyalty, reliability, honor, melancholia, boredom, coldness, Winter, depth, stability, professionalism, honor, trust
What is the URL of that website? I'm attempting to compose a yellow themed necklace, and it would be interesting to find out what it represents...
Interesting...I have more blue beads than anything else but I like the words that go with the purple beads better. Might have to pay attention to the purple beads a little more.
Hi guys! I can't remember the website, but I have the meanings...Here is what it had for yellow. (I love the summer, liveliness and happiness part!)
YELLOW: attention-grabbing, comfort, liveliness, cowardliness, hunger, optimism, overwhelm, Summer, comfort, liveliness, intellect, happiness, energy
Thanks Lisa - that certainly explains a few things about why I decided to go with yellow for this particular necklace. I hope it is attention-grabbing!
You can NEVER have too many different shades of purple ;-)
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