I couldn't help sharing this cornucopia bracelet from several years ago. AND, I just received the holiday bitmojis on my phone so it only made sense that I share both!
This bracelet reminded me that now is the perfect time to make literal jewelry pieces to represent the sights and traditions of the holiday season.
The top drilled briolettes in the cornucopia bracelet made me wish I had a bunch of green ones to make a wreath bracelet! Briolettes add a MAGICAL component to any stringing project. You just string them up one after the other and like magic they twist and turn next to each other. The finished product looks so complex as if you must have done some sort of complicated weave.
I just did a search for top drilled beads similar to those used in the cornucopia. It resulted in lots of Swarovski and some unexpected items too. Now my head is spinning with ideas!!!
Here are some that piqued my interest...
These blue and silver beads are so sparkly! I would love to see them strung up alone or together. The blue and white or silver and white would also be striking!
These little green rivolis would make a great wreath bracelet with the red briolettes hanging from it as the bow.
Okay clock...I see you ticking away! I guess it's time to close the laptop and get busy. Happy holidays!!