Spring, spring, springy, spring, spring! I hope you are still reading along and didn't go, click... :)
I also hope that I can get some mileage out of to know me is to love me...(?)
Sometimes I can't help myself and get carried away into sweet bead silliness, like now. I was looking through some of my previous designs for spring as I am hatching some new ideas for fresh jewelry.
Here are a couple I think you might like.
Yes, it's not spring if I don't share the "ode to the dandelion" bracelet from my book.

The purpose of wearing a dandelion on the wrist is because in SO MANY neighborhoods, like mine, people frown on the sweet happy flowers! (YES, flowers!)
The other is from my peyote obsession when I couldn't stop for months! I thought the button on this one was so cool!
Feel free to share your springy designs to so we can pop over to admire them :)