This pair was made BEFORE creating the bracelet or necklace with the beads I received from today. (Can I just say a quick "yay!" about receiving beads from!?)
The beads I selected are for the Artbeads winter design challenge. As you can see, I had ice and snow on the brain when I selected them.
I remember thinking that I want/need to embrace the weather in order to move past it!! As long as you aren't commuting in it or having to figure out a way to let your pets out in it, IT IS BEAUTIFUL!
I wanted to keep the beads simple and straight-forward. Winter is winter and in Ohio, it is icy and snowy!
I did, however want to use a bead that might not typically be used in bracelets or necklaces. The other reason I selected this graduated link bead is because I had used one of these in pink to make my Mom a pair of earrings last spring and she's been wearing them all winter!
According to her, not a day goes by, when wearing them, that she does not receive a compliment about the sparkliness of them. People stop and admire them wherever she might be.
They truly sparkle like diamonds and if I saw someone wearing these, I WOULD COMMENT TOO! :)
I hope you are all staying warm!! :)
FTC compliance disclosure: the graduated crystal in this post from was provided as a promotional gift as part of their bead blogger program for review or design purposes.
Those are beautiful earrings and if you have enough left over--make a bracelet. And if you still have enough left over...make a necklace! LOL
This is interesting. I always make the earrings second. I guess I need to switch it up. They are gorgeous!
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