I checked her etsy site and didn't see anything like that in her inventory right now.

Appreciating the individual beauty of beads and the unique works of art they are used to create!
The Bead Dreamer
Book Review: Steel Wire Jewelry. Love alternative materials and modern, whimsical jewelry design? This book is a must have. Project one is an earring wardrobe! Read the review in full.
Cindy Gimbrone, The Lampwork Diva
Cindy shares her "DO" for the week. Come take a look!
The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton
Andrew gets in touch with his inner "Calder" and hammers some wire with Kate McKinnon and Dustin Wedekind.
Beads & Books
Michelle shares a behind-the-scenes look at her work doing technical edits on a jewelry magazine
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Jean reviews a comforting and beautiful book for beaders which she herself has often turned to as a "bridge over troubled waters": Beading for the Soul, by Deborah Cannarella
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie explores the old craft of paper quilling in an experiment combining the technique with resin for jewelry
Carmi's Art/Life World
A new bronze pendant from Artbeads.com inspired this new necklace from Carmi.
About.com Jewelry Making
For gemstone fanatics, earrings are the perfect way to enjoy fast projects that include all their favorite stones.
Beading Arts
Have you heard of a hair fascinator? Come see what Cyndi put together with a handful of Swarovski crystals and a length of thin gauge wire!
Art Bead Scene Art Bead Scene loves a wall of beads. Stop by and see if you don't love it too! way to enjoy fast projects that include all their favorite stones.
Have a great new week everyone!! As always, here are some GREAT links to check out for inspiration or procrastination! :)
Cindy Gimbrone, The Lampwork Diva
Finding the perfect findings can be difficult. Here are some suggestions.
Snap out of it, Jean! There’s beading to be done!
Jean got some super wonderful beads from Amy Freeland , her Bead Blog Soup Party partner, and shares some photos of them and some thoughts with her readers here!
About.com Jewelry Making
Tammy has a new book review out, this one for a book on making ceramic jewelry.
Beading Arts
Cyndi has written the promised tutorial on making beaded buttons with watch faces…fun!
Art Bead Scene
Art Bead Scene unveils the February monthly challenge.
Michelle shares the bracelet she made for 7000 Bracelets for Hope. There’s still time to make and donate a denim blue bracelet for this great cause.
Carmi’s Art/Life World
This week Carmi has a hand felted heart brooch to celebrate Canadian Valentines!
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie uses metallic resin clay to solve a design problem of altering antique buttons to make them into charms and links.
Bead Soup starts to simmer in Charlene’s studio
About.com Jewelry Making
Break the ice and get a warm welcome at the Jewelry Making Forum.
Art Bead Scene
Going to the bead shows in Tucson this year? Here are a few tips for you take along.
Beading Arts
The Bead Journal Project is starting up again for its fourth year! Check out what Cyndi has decided to make each month...
Beads & Books
Michelle shares some color ideas for Valentine's Day jewelry and a link to the "Bead My Valentine" contest at Happy Mango Beads.
Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmis shows off some button jewelery necklaces from CHA!
Cindy Gimbrone, The Lampwork Diva
The Wednesday Wire becomes the Tuesday Tangle. Cindy shows off some funky retro wire earrings.
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie experiments with enamel spray paint on filigree to create some great colorful components
Lorelei's Blog: Inside the Studio
A recent bead shopping trip to NYC leaves lorelei Tired but Inspired!
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
jean reposts a review of a book she finds exceptional--all about Art Nouveau!
The Bead Dreamer
Inspired by winter’s frosty tones, Charlene selects beads in a chilly color palette.