Appreciating the individual beauty of beads and the unique works of art they are used to create!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Bead Soup Party Registration - August 1st!

Saturday, July 30, 2011
Peace, Love and Bead Blogger Saturday!

A special guest stops by the Earthenwood booth at Rust Belt Market: Cari Cucksey of HGTV's Cash & Cari
Andrew shares his plans for the future of his online Shop.
Come see what's on Cindy's bookshelf this week.
Are you ready to sign up for Lori Anderson's next fabulously fun and creative Bead Soup party? Jean has the scoop on what to do to sign up! Jean participated before and LOVED it. Once you have had "soup" with Lori, you just HAVE to have more! It's irrestible. See Jean's blog for the details!
Did you know ABS has a designer of the week? Join us in a challenge and you could be featured on ABS!
Resin Crafts show you what can be done with the mold of a grandfather clock.
Does your mood influence your jewelry designs? Share your thoughts!
Tammy shares her favorite summer necklace design.
The Bead Journal Project is just whizzing by this year, and Cyndi is finally caught up!
Carmi's post features her favorite find from the CHA show in Chicago this month.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Featured Designer: Kate Gardenghi of Expressive Accessories

Thursday, July 28, 2011
$500 Grand Prize-Soft Flex Gift Certificate!

"We are very excited about this year's challenge. We want you to use both our beading wire and our craft wire together in a design. We can't wait to see how you might mix these two top of the line products to create something really special and unique. You know that we love color! So don't be shy. Choose a full color pallette from either product and BE COLORFUL!
How can you do this? Perhaps you will create your own wire beads with craft wire and string them up on flexible beading wire along with beads from your local bead store or you might string a design on flexible beading wire and create your own craft wire findings such as clasps or ear wires - the options are limitless. Flex your creativity!"
- GRAND PRIZE: $500 Gift Certificate
- Runner Up: $250 Gift Certificate
- Honorable Mention: $100 Gift Certificate
- TOP 10 WINNERS: Free 30ft spool of their choice
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
"Smooth" Faceted Leaves

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Now That's a Catalog!!

Monday, July 25, 2011
Project Update & Interesting Craft Store Tidbit

Sunday, July 24, 2011
New Slap Watch & Bead Mix Winner
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Peace, Love and Bead Blogger Saturday!

Save time and your sanity this holiday season by making some easy metal ornaments now.
Studio Saturday lingers into Monday as Cindy finishes up her metal project.
Andrew announces that he'll be helping teach three workshops with his sister at ArtFest in the spring of 2012!
Carmi makes a fabric brooch with Clover's latest great tool!
Cyndi has a fabulous squared-cross turquoise pendant to give away!
Michelle shares 3 tips for making more time for your art.
Book Giveaway of the FABULOUS book, chains,chains,chains! You can see Jean's review and sign up! Come to her blog and leave a comment for your chance at this remarkable new book!
There is a new open back bezel tutorial on Resin Crafts Blog!
Make or collect beautiful handmade jewelry? Store it just a beautifully with these jewelry storage ideas.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Featured Designer: Syndee Holt

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Bead Mix Giveaway!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Orangy-Pink = Padparadscha!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Amazing Pink Beads & Designer Shout-Out
Monday, July 18, 2011
Work of Art in a Bead Mix
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Project Update and New Bead Mix!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Peace, Love and Bead Blogger Saturday!

Jean is excited to show what she received (not her finished design however!) from Michelle Mach for the "Mostly Metal" challenge which
Use a finding in a different way. Try Charlene's chandelier earrings made from bead caps. A tutorial with photos shows you how.
Andrew reveals the mystery component for the July Reader's Challenge!
Resin Crafts Blog received a very pretty samples kit...and turned it into a unique wearable.
Cindy reviews Hot Connections by Jennifer Chin.
Don't blow off Christmas in July. Instead, use this time to make some awesome beaded ornaments.
Carmi has found a few new ways to use Apoxie Sculpt!
Cyndi shares the instructions for making a freeform peyote stitch necklace. Now the piece just needs a name!
Come take a look at ABS Editor Cindy Gimbrone is up to in her studio this week!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Beads, Baubles & Jewels TV now on DVD

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Fancy Swarovski Crystal Hot-fix Flat Backs

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Cool Sparkly Project

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Bring on More Bling!
Since I only had two packages of crystals, this is not exactly "encrusted" with sparkle.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Experimenting with Heat & Crystals!

Sunday, July 10, 2011
This Week's Project: New Spin on a Bracelet Project
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Peace, Love and Bead Blogger Saturday!

Michelle is hosting a Mostly Metal Design Challenge with 3 different kits of materials: Filigree Fun, Gunmetal Love, and Antique Brass Romantic. Come join the fun!
Andrew introduces some NEW vintage beads to his online Shop!
Join Charlene in a jewelry challenge to celebrate summer and long days. Click to find out how to participate.
Second chance to sign up for Beaducation DVD giveaway, time lengthened due to last week's holiday! Come on over and see what's up on jean's blog!
Carmi shows you how to make a piece of crochet look like filigree!
Melanie shares some new designs made with her new Fable Pebbles made by members of the Earthenwood Design Team
Come take a peek at what Cindy's got on her bookshelf!
Carmi creates a peace bird brooch with artbeads.com components.
Take the June monthly challenge blog tour.
Tammy has a new book review posted that will appeal to those who love little beads.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Featured Designer: The Chainmaille Lady, Lauren Andersen

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Bead Obsessed?
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Look Closely During Clearance Sales!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
97¢ Craft Store Find & Swarovski Crystal Winner
Monday, July 4, 2011
Swarovski Elements Connectors
Sunday, July 3, 2011
This Week's Project: "So Glad I know how to make earrings!"
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Peace, Love and Bead Blogger Saturday!
Exciting news! Andrew launches his FIRST ever Reader's Challenge! The Design Kit for July features summery shades of green and lots of art beads!
Charlene features a young jewelry artisan and snags a pretty sweet pair of earrings in the process.
Jean reviews a GREAT Beaducation DVD on soldered rings and bezels and also announces a giveaway from Beaducation of a DVD of the winner's choice just for liking Beaducation's blog! What's not to like?
This week there is a special piece featuring a mold and a resin pour!
The Earthenwood Design team is serving up lots of sweet jewelry treats!
Carmi works on a little bit of an antler for a surprising result!
Are you clear on your goals for your bead and jewelry blog? Cyndi has rounded up some articles that are sure to help!
Here are some random bead related links for you to enjoy!
Get some red, white, and blue jewelry inspiration and ideas from these free jewelry tutorials.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Bead Trends Mag Shout-Out!

Bead Trends January 2012 Call
Bead Trends is currently looking for designs with the following themes for our January 2012 issue:
Birthstone (Garnet)
Anything Goes - The beaded possibilities are endless and not just limited to jewelry. What about pillows, table runners, picture frames, lamps, clothing, candle collars, wine glass charms, and home decor. This category can contain jewelry and a whole lot more!
Quick & Easy – Featuring beautiful designs that can be created in less than an hour and are perfect for designers of all levels.
Fashion Favorites – Features designs from a variety of styles and mediums that can be a personal favorite or necessary staple in any wardrobe.
- Earrings
- Inspired By -Jewelry is a beautiful form of art and art is so often inspired by the world around us. We want to see your designs inspired by nature, people, seasons, colors, and more. Tell us the story of what inspired you!
- All Mixed Up - Mixed media jewelry is hot! We love mixed metals, fabrics, leather, and found objects! We want to showcase your designs.
- The Winter Blues! - Who says "the winter blues" have to be a bad thing! We love blue and want to see all your gorgeous creations featuring any shade of blue.
- New Year's Eve-What is the perfect design to wear to ring in the new year?
- Bling! - Everyone loves a little bling once in a while. Send us your beautiful sparkling creations!!
If you would like to submit your work to this publication, please e-mail a photograph, the name or title of your piece, and contact information to:beadsubmit@northridgepublishing.com.
If submitting multiple pieces, please send a separate e-mail and photograph for each design.
Deadline for the January 2011 issue is 11:59 p.m. MDT, July 25th, 2011. All ideas should be your original work and not previously published.