Monday, February 6, 2012

Dreamy Vintage Flowers

Okay everyone, I hope you are still up to see these tonight!

Check out these unique and fabulous vintage flower beads....they sort of made my head spin!

I have to admit it's beads like this that rekindle my love affair with all things 1950's to 1970's.

The description of the beads on the Isabella'sCollections etsy site reads, "...a mix of 120 plus vintage, 1970's, white, plastic and celluloid flower beads. The sizes range from 8mm to approx 80mm..."

I am still getting a bit of a 1950's vibe from these beads. They are perfect flowers, but fake, but perfect. Does that make sense to anyone else?

There is something about flaunting a piece of jewelry that is beautiful and pristine, but pure plastic. That's dreamy to me.

Isabella: I love your collections!


Kokopelli said...

Awwwww, beauties!

Sarah Sequins said...

Those flowers are adorable! I can see why they have you so excited. :)