It was right after I had made a one strand memory wire bracelet that consisted of a sort of small round focal bead and 11/0 seed beads. Due to the small beads and light weight of the bracelet, it seemed just a little too round for my wrist. It was one of those "ask and you shall receive" moments I guess!
I haven't had a chance to use the oval wire, but will let you know as soon as I do. By the way, this is a beadalon product. The package reads "wire, oval coil, bracelet, silver plate".
Have a good one!!
Wow, what a great idea. Where did you find it!
BTW, I am a new beader and I really enjoy your blog. Thanks.
I've nominated you for the "Marie Antoinette Award" on my blog.
Thanks for stopping by! I have used memory wire a couple of times. I learned the hard way not to use my good side nippers to cut it. :( I can't wait to dive into your blog. It looks like it has some great information!
I've yet to use Memory Wire. It's not easily found around here.
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