Over the years I have met quite a few others just like me. We have a tendency to gravitate to the conservative on the outside, while maintaining our "hippie" vibe on the inside. The cool thing is, we seem to find each other!
I've been watching the Bob Dylan DVD from his tour of England in 1965. Talk about an ultra cool portrayal of a philosopher rebel!! I've been trying to perfect my Bob Dylan imitation as a result. Here's what I have so far..."Hey man, I can't tell you what to think, I can't tell you what I was thinking when I wrote that. It's just words...big letter, little letter... People don't come see me to figure out what I meant when I wrote or sang something, they come to be entertained."
Okay, I'm still working on it, but I think I'm getting closer. In the mean time, I have to allow my inner self to pick things out occasionally, considering this is where inspiration comes from, it's the least I can do!
I'm still working on design ideas with this bead, but I know that one day, the perfect situation will arise to use this shiny little rebellious tube.
What do you think?
1 comment:
Oh, Lisa ... you sound way too much like me! I have to be so "conservative" at work ... but it's so not me! *lol*
Which reminds me, I have beads from Ally's I want to work up into something. I may just need to pick your creative brain ...
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