I mentioned recently I used these great colorful strands on the plum Econoflex wire. I've been wearing it very happily for the last few days, but thought it might be missing something.
I wrapped a couple strands of glass pearls around either side of them and liked the way it looked, so I just got done stringing them up.

I'll be heading back to work tomorrow, so this is coming with me. You'll be the first to know if I end up leaving them intact.
Let me know what you think if you get a sec! It's always nice to get input from fellow beaders. :) Have a great week!!!
Without the pearls the bracelet is fun, with the pearls it ROCKS! Eye candy!
it looked good w/o the pearls, but when you added the pearls it looked so much more finished all of a sudden.you're right they frame the the other beads really nicely.
Thanks you two! :)
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