Monday, February 14, 2011 Winter Project

The time has arrived and so have all my beads!!

I selected some fab beads from for their winter design partner project and they have all arrived...Here is an example of the sound effects when I opened the package containing THIS one! Mmmmmmmmm!

When that happens, I usually have to take it over to my husband to look at if he's nearby. He so very kindly complies with some complimentary statement. Sometimes beading is just about experiencing the beads...especially Swarovski beads!!

I have to admit that I made a 1 minute project with this bead this morning. It is a Swarovski 19.5mm silver plated filigree daisy crystal!! After searching and not finding the glue gun, I ended up using a couple of those scrapbooking glue dots to hold it on a ring form.

It worked great until the end of the day when I absent-mindedly stuck my hand in my bag to get my cell phone and came up without the flower.

I am getting ready to hot glue it on shortly. That ought to hold it!

These filligree daisies make PERFECT sparkly rings! Who doesn't love a 1 minute project. Well, that is if you don't count the time it takes for the glue gun to heat up. :)

I will post a photo on Saturday of my finished projects!

FTC compliance disclosure: the bead referenced in this post from was provided as a promotional gift as part of their bead blogger program for review or design purposes.


raquel roysdon said...

I love swarovski crystals too!

Sparkle Queen said...

Lisa... Swarovski beads & pendants are an experience all on their own. Pictures can never do them real justice and yet when you get them in person, it's so fun to share the WOW factor!

I do the same... either Chris or my mom get the first hand OMG experience! LOL

Hope your week is wonderful!

Suz said...

That's a great idea! Love those Swarovski's!