Monday, March 12, 2012

Sewing a Necklace!

Interestingly or ironically, I happened to have watched the PBS show, Sewing with Nancy twice today. First at 6am and now at 12pm.

These are the episodes called "Runway Finishes". The guest is explaining how you make exciting fringes for home decor and then suggests that Nancy actually wear a piece of fringe that she just sewed as a necklace. Nancy sort of looked at her and chuckled then said,"that's an idea". :) Love Nancy!

If you get a chance to watch, check out the part where Nancy winds some very colorful yarns and ribbon around a plastic tool that she calls an old fashioned lace maker that holds the ribbon in place. She then takes an organza ribbon and sews it down the center of the ribbon.

Here's a link to a video of the show, skip to about 18 minutes in for the ribbon fringe. I'd love to try making a fringe necklace! If you have experience making fringe necklaces, please share!

This yarn looks like it might be fun to incorporate with ribbon into a cool vibe necklace!


Linda Younkman said...

Lisa thanks for sharing this video. I'm going to give this a try. It would certainly make an interesting necklace. I have all sorts of yarns and ribbons - I have an addiction to color and I find that I collect yarn/ribbon, fabric and of course beads so I need to use up some of these. Not sure where you get the lace maker but I'm going to give it a go. What a fun piece this would make. Also did you notice the bracelet on the guest? It was really a stunner.

Shirley said...

Lisa, thanks so much for the link. It was a lot of fun to watch them. I think this would make such a fun necklace, either as a regular 20" length, or as a long, opera style as well. The lace maker reminds me of a beading loom. Wonder if you could adapt in any way? I really love the idea of dressing up pillows as well. I have an old sweater that I'm going to recycle into a pillow, and now I think it's needs some designer fringe! :)