I have no idea how this works, but the multi-color flower inside goes around and around...OR does nothing but sit there.
Appreciating the individual beauty of beads and the unique works of art they are used to create!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Magical Crystally Charm
I have no idea how this works, but the multi-color flower inside goes around and around...OR does nothing but sit there.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Peace, Love & Bead Bloggers!
I'm thinking there is something for everyone here who is interested in incorporating peace into their jewelry and their little part of the world.
This is just one of my favorites, but it was hard to choose. I am going to think long and hard about which ones to order.
I was just mentioning to my husband today that I wasn't sure why the word peace isn't used more in reference to the general expectation of things.
And now, back to the lovely world of happy, peaceful bead blogging! Below are some links to get your new week started off with some great inspiration! Have a good one!
Jean Campbell Jean reviews Kate McKinnon's wonderful new addition, Sculptural Metal Clay.
Lorelei's Blog: Inside the Studio Bead storage has been a question amongst my fellow beady peers, and so I thought I would share a link to how I utilize my bead storage.
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done! Jean is delighted to review Totally Twisted by Kerry Bogert! You will LOVE this book which focuses on wire and art beads!
Strands of Beads Melissa discusses the process of reworking a weak necklace design - the revised version of which now appears on the cover of The Best of Step by Step Beads.
The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton Like Czech glass? Andrew hosts a giveaway courtesy of Raven's Journey. Find out how you can win these luminous beads!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
This Week's Project: Fast & Simple Bracelet
I thought about it earlier and knew I had this great chain from Rings & Things that would go perfectly with this interesting loop that I had previously found at the craft store.
I have been very enamored with this carved owl bead and since it happened to be in the same bead box with the loop, it seemed to be fate!
No drive-in tonight since it's repeats of last week, so we made popcorn and snuggled into the small bedroom with the 1943 DVD of "The Return of The Vampire" with Bela Lugosi.
Back to movies, so I'll catch you all tomorrow! :)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Featured Designer: Casey Sharpe
She mentioned earlier in the week that she is giving away a charm from her earlier days that is very special.
Make sure to get your comment in by midnight on 5/31/10!
She describes the charm as, "enamel on copper- the image is painted on with china paint and then fired, and the whole thing is set into a sterling silver frame."
There are a couple of similar charms on her etsy site that are part of a bracelet.

Thanks so much Casey, this is great!
Enjoy and good luck! :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Bright Sunny Flowers
Ahh, I'm so relieved. The warmth is like a nice happy, long-awaited blanket.
Today's bead is fabulously bright yellow with cheerful flowers. As the light shines on it and through it, it's like the bright sunshine. I just love how the flowers are molded into the glass.
I'd like to add some real sparkle to it with some small crystals and think this bead would make a great bracelet focal or even a very cool ring!
Flowers on beads are just like those in the garden... Beautiful and refreshing!
I hope you are having a great week, we're almost to the weekend, yay!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Shrinky-Dink Surprise!
About a year ago, a friend and I experimented with shrinky dinks in a variety of ways.
We used the colored shrink plastic, the printable and the frosted. The most perfect shrink plastic was the white printable sheets.
This was rubber stamped and then colored in, hole punched and baked. It really just needs a coat of mod-podge or varnish of some sort and would make a great bracelet dangle!
A bracelet of very sparkly beads using these same colors would be so fun!
I'd love to find some new ideas for using shrinky dinks in jewelry. Please share links if you have a chance!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
RV Jewelry Charms

Once we take our RV trip, I would like to figure out how to work some photos into jewelry. That's ALWAYS a fun craft project!

I hope you will enjoy this right along with me!!
Monday, May 24, 2010

A blue FIREJEWEL (TM) necklace!! This is a swarovski cube with an LED inside!
There are so many things online to order and I think I do a great job of resisting 99.8% of it. HOWEVER, once in a blue moon a product comes along that I just can't live without.
This is one of those things. The last one was the 8 gigabyte swarovski covered jump drive that wears as a bracelet. I still LOVE it and love showing it off :)
Can you believe they have figured out how to get an LED into a swarovski bead? WOW, I'm so glad there are such smart people out there making fun things like this!
The rented RV vacation is going to be so much more fun while I'm wearing my light up swarovski necklace at the campsite!! I have already bought a bunch of glow sticks at the dollar store for everyone, but this will be the icing on the cake!!
As soon as I get this necklace in the mail, I will let you know. I'd love to hear if anyone else out there has one of these!! Here is a link to the many other crystals they have.
Here is the info from the official FIREJEWEL (TM) website:
FIREJEWEL (TM) is an innovator and world leader of micro-illuminated jewelry and accessories that are uniquely lit from within. Traditional jewelry fades with the evening shadows, but a piece by FIREJEWEL (TM) defies the darkness, carrying its own internal "fire" into the night. No one can light u crystals like we can. Our technology is patented in the USA and internationally.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Bead Blogger Updates & Offer to Be Featured HERE!
The great thing about Sunday, however, is that it is time to share lots of inspiration and fun from fellow bead bloggers, yay!
And, if you scroll to the end of this blog post, I am offering Friday Feature spots to anyone who is interested in being featured here.
I would like to partner with you and open up the Friday Featured Designer post to 12 bead and jewelry designers who would like to be featured.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Princess Jewelry!
FTC compliance disclosure, notice of material connections: the items in this post from Rings&Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program for review or design purposes. More info about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program
Friday, May 21, 2010
Featured Designer: Katie Hacker

She has just added a video to her blog with examples for using these new bead findings AND shared that she made the cover of Bead Style Magazine with a necklace project using Katiedids.
This is such a cool story of a person who has been writing beading books and as she has learned and created new techniques, she has shared with new books along the way.

Yay! I can't wait to see the new episodes. I was always so happy to catch the previous versions when I would get up early on the weekends and turn on PBS.
I just love the vibe from the opening music to the smooth way they move from segment to segment.
Congratulations Katie!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Happy Hippie Charm!

I found this when I was looking for yesterday's peace sign so I could include a link in that post. I searched on "peace" on the Rings & Things catalog and the coolest of cool charm came up!!
Check out this "Hippie Van" charm!! Oh my gosh, how great!
I am going to have to get this to add to the previously posted bracelet that I made in preparation for our rented RV vacation in June! Yep, I am going to have to have this!!
I am also seeing this hanging from a long neck cord with some groovy, psychedelic beads!! Oh yeah!! Please join me on my happy little mind trip! :)
Have a great evening!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Deep Thoughts Brought on By Beads...
This is meant to be a connector piece and I began thinking about the importance of peace when it comes to forming successful connections. Either individual inner peace or peace between individuals...
I have observed many situations and relationships that did not appear to have an element of peace between individuals and it didn't take long before it was crumbling.
Okay, I warned you... For those Saturday Night Live fans of the "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey", hopefully you can appreciate this.
When I requested this connector piece, I was thinking it would work well as a sort of focal bead that I could use to build crystals around. Especially all the pink crystals from yesterday's post!
I hope you are having a nice week so far! See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Peace Sign Sparkle & Exciting News!
AND, I just know that it will make me a much cooler person when I'm wearing it! :)
I mentioned in the title above that I have some exciting news to share, so here we go.... I am so proud to announce that I was featured in the "Jewel School" section of the May 2010 Bead Trends Magazine!! Yay!
I submitted a project called "Grandma's Quilt Bracelet" for the Mother's Day issue and was asked if I would want to be featured in the jewel school section ON PAGE 76 since it is sort of a "crafty" project in addition to being a jewelry project. I cannot express here the extent of my surprise and excitement. I was walking on a cloud for sure!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Think PINK!
It really feels like spring now...just like buying your first hanging basket of flowers for the season!
This 6mm bicone mix is called, Pretty in Pink! Swarovski bicones are so versatile and great for creating a variety of woven designs or just simple stringing.
Heck, you can string a bunch on some on craft wire, crumple them up, call it a focal bead, wire it on to a band and it would be beautiful! You just can't go wrong with crystals!! :)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Peace, Love, Sparkle & Bead Bloggers!
I LOVE BEADING! It's the beauty, the fun, the creativity and the wonderful PEOPLE!
Art Bead Scene Art Bead Scene has a new look and some new opportunties to get involved. Come see!
Cindy Gimbrone aka The Lampwork Diva Check out the new beads on Cindy's site - Turquoise Sky!
Beading Arts Rubber glass? Rubber glass?!? What the heck is rubber glass?
Snap out of it, Jean!There's beading to be done! Jean reviews Kate McKinnon's inspiring new book, Sculptural Metal Clay Jewelry, with DVD included!
Strands of Beads Melissa shows off new designs using cool skull beads and charms from Rings & Things
Saturday, May 15, 2010
This Week's Project: Blueberry Bunch
I just received my Rings & Things package of beads yesterday, so I haven't had time to fully form my thoughts on the project.
Just wait until you see the 6mm swarovski bicone bead mix I received to go with this piece...I don't want to give it away, but THINK PINK!
Next Saturday I will have the final piece done and I really can't wait to see if it turns out as I see it in my head.
Off to get ready for the drive-in! Have a great Saturday night!
FTC compliance disclosure, notice of material connections: the items in this post from Rings&Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program for review or design purposes. More info about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program
Friday, May 14, 2010
Featured Designer: Pretty Mades All in A Row

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Airy Drop Bead & Offer to be Featured!
Today's bead was a gift that I received recently for teaching a new beader how to make the beaded "bauble". (The 12 bicone, right angle bauble with the magic trick at the end).
It is always so much fun to show people because of the magical part when you pull the two wires and it forms a ball.
When she offered me several of these beads, I didn't want to take them because I have SO MANY beads already, but she really wanted me to have at least one of them.
So, here it is!
She has since made herself a pair of earrings and a simple dangle necklace out of them. They are so CUTE!
I would like to use my drop bead in a necklace too, I'm thinking of using one or more of the softflex colors and adding LOTS of colorful sparkle too!
Why can't it be Saturday morning?!! That's such a great time for me to bead! I can't wait!
Offer to be featured:
I also wanted to take a minute here and will do this again over the next week or so, to let you all know that during the summer months, I would like to partner with you and open up the Friday Featured Designer post to 12 bead and jewelry designers who would like to be featured.
Just send me an email at abeadaday@sbcglobal.net with links to each of your sites and any info you want to make sure that I mention.
This is a new approach for me, but I was just thinking how easy it is to miss out on some wonderful artists. I will post them beginning in June in the order that I receive the emails.
Yay! So exciting!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Emotional Bead Shopping
I've picked up LOTS of beads and put them right down, but I have finally learned how important it is to trust your instincts on what FEELS right when you handle beads. I tried to put this bead down several times, but couldn't!!
I just wanted to pick up one of the others in the same container that was just as cute in color, but had a less interesting shape. For some reason, I just couldn't part with this!
I can't explain it, but I can recognize it!! At some point, I will have the perfect need for this bead and it will be there for me. I can't wait!!
I'd love to hear your experiences with this interesting phenomenon!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Owl Carving
It's adorable and the first thought I had was the wise old owl on the tootsie pop commercial, when the little kid asks something like, "Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?" and the owl takes three licks and then bites right into it! :)
Yes, I admit I suffer from a bit of the Peter Pan Syndrome, but hey, I figure there are worse things than never wanting to grow up!
So, back to the sweet little owl...I know this seems made to be a necklace pendant, but I can't help but want to put every cute bead into a bracelet so I can see it all the time when I wear it!
Maybe a very long necklace would be fun so I could still see the little guy...hmm..
What do you think? I'm definitely seeing some crystals sparkling alongside the owl like a glittery tree!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sweet Little Birdies
Sure enough, the first shop we visited was very eclectic with lots of fun, artsy jewelry AND beads! I couldn't resist these birdie beads! I found a couple other interesting beads on our trip which I will share this week.
This sounds like so much fun and I really need to check out you-tube more because I would bet there are many people who share their bead shopping experiences!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Peace, Love & Bead Bloggers!
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done! Jean brags! Yes, she really brags! It's worth a look because it's cool!
Strands of Beads Melissa shows off a new version of her Cabinet of Curiosity pendant.
About.com Jewelry Making Tammy has some fun in the sun summer time jewelry tutorials for you, including a cute turtle charm necklace.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
What I Made for My Summer Vacation
Friday, May 7, 2010
Featured Designer: Mary Ann Carroll

It's amazing the time people find to create when they are driven by their passion!
When I came across Mary Ann's blog, I was first drawn to this pendant called, "Flower Bed". The colors are so watery, yet bright at the same time.
It just makes me feel good looking at it and would be great in a

From her blog, Mary Ann has a quick link over to her etsy shop so you can peruse the entire inventory.
Now, the cool part....I arranged with MaryAnn a few weeks ago to showcase her talents as the featured designer and a number of other things came up until now.

So, head on over to today's blog post and follow the instructions to get entered to win a batch of fabulous ceramic beads!
Have a great weekend everyone!! AND, thanks so much Mary Ann for allowing me to share your work!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Fun, Free Bead Embroidery E-Book!!

Cyndi has put the first chapter of her book into the format of an e-book and has made it so easy to download, it just takes one mouse click!
I had a chance to read through the book and love how she wrote the instructions. It feels like she is right there talking you through it. It's not difficult to understand the terminology and she not only tells you what TO DO, but also what NOT to do! That's so helpful especially if you haven't done a particular technique before.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Yummy XILION Bicones!
I am really loving the swarovski crystal beads called Xillions! Paired with yesterday's blue will be a fabulous combination.
These are listed in the catalog as: 5328 Swarovski 5mm XILION Bicone Light Siam
I am looking forward to building something interesting and new with the red, blue, stars and light amethyst CZ's!!
Thanks a million to Artbeads.com for allowing me to make these gorgeous selections!!!! I have so enjoyed playing with them this week!!
FTC compliance disclosure: the items in this post from Artbeads.com were provided as a promotional gift as part of their bead blogger program for review or design purposes.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sparkly Stars!
Not that you wouldn't already know or guess this to be true, but I feel the need to say it, "I LOVE SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL BEADS!!"
I know my photos don't exactly do them justice here, but this Artbeads.com link will take you to some professionally photographed stars!
I have no idea why, but I just got the song, zippity doo dah, going in my head...such a happy little tune. I guess that little outburst of happiness can be attributed to the CRYSTALS!!
If not, I know you will all be nice and supportive anyway, my wonderful beading friends!! :)
I hope your week is going well so far!! Have a great evening!
FTC compliance disclosure: the items in this post from Artbeads.com were provided as a promotional gift as part of their bead blogger program for review or design purposes.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Exciting News and Bead Blogger Updates!
Well, it sure was a nice weekend while it lasted!! Relaxing and fun as usual...just not quite long enough!
I wanted to share something exciting with you and take the opportunity to thank the ultra fun and talented Jean Yates at the same time.
You have probably seen the title of her blog here, there and everywhere if you hop around beading blogs like I do, "Snap out of it Jean! There's beading to be done!"
Jean's sense of humor is as great as her integrity and warmth. Several months ago, Jean and I had a chance to chat about my book and the many things that led me to this point. She just happens to write a column in the monthly magazine, Australian Beading Magazine, as the link to what's happening in beading in the U.S.
Believe me, I was floored and once I got over the shock, was thrilled that she would consider mentioning me and my book, which was not yet published at the time. We made it just under the wire to get it to her and she had a chance to review it in her column.
Our beading friend, Davinia, who lives in Australia recently offered to share the article since she had the magazine in her possession which I am grateful for because it is not as readily available here in the U.S. Thanks so much Jean and Davinia! I LOVE MY BEADING FRIENDS!! :)
And, it just wouldn't be Sunday if I didn't share what some of our other beading friends have been up to over the last week. Take care and have a great week!
About.com Jewelry Making School is in session, or at least, it will be when you sign up for one of these free copper clay e-courses.
Art Bead Scene Art Bead Scene's newest member opens her heart and shares how she feels about the Art Bead Scene. Maybe you feel the same?
Beading Arts Here's a quick little tutorial on how to create a barnacle texture with seed beads!
Cindy Gimbrone aka The Lampwork Diva Spring is the time for new life and new charms at Cindy Gimbrone Beads.
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles Melanie spreads her wings and designs a new pair of carvings to be made into pendants.
Strands of Beads Melissa uses lava beads to help teach her son about volcanoes
The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton Andrew shares his trip to Denver for the Rocky Mountain Bead Society's Bead Bazaar.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Sparkly, Sparkly Saturday!
I am hoping the sparkliness of today's bead, a GORGEOUS cubic zirconia from Artbeads.com, will add a little sunshine to your day if you are having a rainy one like we are here.
Take care!!
FTC compliance disclosure: the items in this post from Artbeads.com were provided as a promotional gift as part of their bead blogger program for review or design purposes.