This month has busily flown right by! I hope everyone is well and gearing up for a brand new year.
As I reflect over the last month or so I am truly amazed at all of the activities, events and accomplishments! Craftnight, holiday show, holiday party, super secret elf visits, family gift giving and 5 Cousin Corp jewelry projects due the week before Christmas, not to mention a sinus infection and relapse! Phew!
Most people I talk to have a similarly heroic list, it just happens to be a hectic time for many, but hopefully upon reflection, like me, you'll find evidence of fun too! :)
Before heading into the new year, I wanted to share my excitement in finding out on Christmas Eve that one of my Cousin Corporation projects from last spring made it onto the Joann.com project page.
It's the Holiday Twist Necklace project. Yay, that made me very happy and interestingly content and inspired for what the new year might bring.
I have some fabulously sparkly Cousin connector pieces I picked out to make New Year's Eve jewelry...so, I best get busy!
Happy Holidays!