Friday, December 6, 2013

It's a Christmas Necklace!

There's no question about the inspiration for this necklace, it's Christmas!

I made this last Saturday morning so I could teach it that night. Yep, I guess I need the pressure to produce!

I always like to make things simple when teaching a group of crafters or non-beaders. My ribbon obsession continues and just requires simple ribbon clasps to finish it off. The crystazzi crystals definitely add a feeling of holiday lights, very shiny!

Crafting started after eating, drinking and being merry around 9pm and finished up around 3:45am!

Lots of gifts, beads, paint, hot glue and pine cones...I didn't want it to end!

The next morning it's sort of like that after Christmas or after vacation blah... The good news is, you can have a craft night anytime you want!! You just need to sign up a friend or two and set a date!

As always, an awesome time was had by all and everyone finished their crafts, yay!


anthony stemke said...

I found this via Snap out of it Jean's blog and must say that it is a beautiful yuletide necklace. My spouse makes jewelry and agrees how stunning this is.

Lisa Crone said...

Aw, very kind, thank you so much!

Lisa Crone said...

Aw, very kind, thank you so much!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

and I found it via Tammy's blog and I love it too! jean xox